Centre Star
Masonic Lodge
#409 F&AM

4010 Whites Creek Pike
Whites Creek, TN  37189


Sick / Prayer list


Map to Lodge

TN Grand Lodge

District 8 Site

Send Email to Webmaster





Centre Star is celebrating our 150th birthday in 2020.  The coin pictured above is available for purchase to celebrate this amazing milestone.  Price is $8.00.  See the Secretary to purchase.

This old Lodge was formed in 1870 and has had several different homes.  Perhaps it is fitting that the longest it has stayed anywhere is the present location, in an old building that was constructed in 1873.  Though it looks different from the church days, the Lodge hall is the old Alex Green Methodist sanctuary.  Many souls have been saved in this building as well as many men becoming better people because of what it houses.  Thank GOD for both.


CenterStar is open for degrees and practice again!  
Come join us

Called Practice every Thursday night
Stated Meeting the first Monday of the month
Meals (snacks) served at 6:00pm and Practice/Meeting starts at 7:00pm



Centre Star Members.  Email Addresses at "centrestar.org" are now available.    Send an note to the webmaster if you are interested.

Eastern StarScottish RiteYork RiteShrine
